Absentee Voting
Absentee Voting
Absentee voting allows qualified voters to cast a ballot by mail prior to Election Day. In-
Person Absentee Voting is no longer available.
Voters Qualified to Vote Absentee-By-Mail:
Persons with employment obligations which prevent them from voting during early
voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls
are open on election day.
Persons attending a sick or physically disabled person which prevents them from
voting during early voting hours for the duration of the early voting period, and during
the hours the polls are open on election day.
Persons confined to a jail or pretrial facility pending disposition of arrest or trial which
prevents them from voting during early voting hours for the duration of the early
voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on election day.
Persons who will be absent from their county of residence during early voting hours for
the duration of the early voting period, and during the hours the polls are open on
election day.
Persons with physical disabilities.
Persons sixty-five years of age or older.
Members of the Armed Forces and Merchant Marines of the United States, their
spouses, and dependents residing with them.
Persons admitted to a hospital as an emergency patient on the day of the election or
within a four-day period before the election.
To Vote Absentee-By-Mail:
We can no longer accept absentee ballot requests electronically. We can only honor
requests for application(s) by phone, mail, or in person at our office.
An application can be requested by voter, immediate family, or authorized
representative (AR)
The AR must be a registered voter acting on voter’s behalf who is unable to go to the
polls because of illness or disability
Individuals are limited to five application requests in addition to their own.
The application(s) must be signed and returned to our office by mail or in person.
We are now issuing new applications based on the new requirements.
The deadline to return an application is 11 days before the election.
You will receive your absentee ballot by mail.
Quick Links
Voter Registration & Election Office
600 Monument Street
Suite: 13, Park Plaza
Greenwood, SC 29646
Hours: 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday
Connie Moody, Director of Voter Registration and Elections
email: cmoody@greenwoodsc.gov
Phone: (864) 942-8585 or (864) 942-8648
Mission Statement
Uphold the Constitution of the United States and the South Carolina Constitution to include the laws and policies of all courts and maintain public confidence by registering eligible voters and conducting honest and impartial elections in a fair, efficient, and accurate manner.
Early Voting dates and hours for the General Election :
Monday, October 21 through Saturday, October 26 from 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Monday, October 28 through Saturday, November 2 from 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
For the 2024 Elections, Greenwood County will have the following Early Voting Locations:
The Greenwood County Voter Registration & Elections Office
600 Monument Street, Suite 13
Greenwood, SC 29646
Greenwood County Public Library
600 Main Street South
Greenwood, SC 29646
Little River Multicultural Center
415 Riley Road North
Hodges, SC 29653
Ninety Six Visitor's Center
97 Main Street East
Ninety Six, SC 29666
“In determining these location(s), the county board of voter registration and elections considered geography, population, and ADA compliant accessibility, and the county board believes the location(s) have been determined to maximize accessibility for all voters throughout the county to the greatest extent possible."
Requirements to Challenge a Ballot
There are four ways to update your information, see them here.
Register to vote or change your address online or downloadable form
Military and Overseas Voters Information
Military/Overseas Absentee Application
Voter Registration Application
The Greenwood County Voter Registration and Elections Office processes and updates all information related for our voters. The County's files are part of an internal interactive statewide computerized voter registration database. This database serves as one source for selection of jurors in the city and county; it further provides the information used for all elections.
The department trains all election personnel, provides election materials, and performs all technical functions on the electronic voting machines for Greenwood County elections. These elections include federal, state, county-wide offices, school district trustees, municipal and special elections. The department educates the public about the election process and encourages the public to participate in all elections.
We also coordinate the activities of the County Board of Voter Registration and Election Commission members. Our office is dedicated to the principle and the importance of each citizen's right to register, and once registered, his or her right to vote in a fair and unbiased process.
Become a Poll Worker
Thank you for your interest in becoming a poll worker for Greenwood County. Did you know that it takes over 300 people to run the polls in Greenwood County on Election Day?
You may be wondering what the requirements to be a poll worker are:
To be a Poll Manager you must be a registered voter in any county in South Carolina. To be a Clerk you must be a registered voter in Greenwood County or an adjoining county (Abbeville, Edgefield, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry or Saluda Counties)
OR be aged 16 or 17. (Sixteen and seventeen year old's are compensated at the same pay rate as adults.)
Attend a Poll Manager Training Class before EACH election. You can take the training online instead if you prefer. Classes are approximately 2 hours in length.
Be willing and able to work the ENTIRE Election Day, from approximately 6:30 AM until approximately 7:30 PM.
If you meet these requirements, you are eligible to be a poll worker for Greenwood County. You may be wondering if you get paid for your service on Election Day. Yes, you do get paid for working on Election Day. Poll workers get $135 for Election Day work ($60 for training and $75 Election Day). Poll Managers get $195 for Election Day work ($60 for training, $135 for Election Day). You must also complete one of the SC Retirement Systems forms either to opt in or opt out (Form 1100 or form 1104) and the W-4 form. The links are listed below. We can not issue a check until we receive the completed forms. The forms can be returned via email, fax, snail mail, or in person. Pay checks for all elections typically go in the mail within 4 weeks after the election.
Links for Poll Worker or those interested in becoming a Poll Worker
State Election Commission Website
Please complete one of the forms below as applicable to your situation.
Form 1100 - To participate in the SC Retirement System
Form 1104 - To elect to not participate in the SC Retirement System
Candidate Information
Candidate Information for elections scheduled for 2023:
Ware Shoals School District Election - May 9, 2023
Town of Ninety Six School Board Election - May 9, 2023
Town of Ninety Six General Election - November 7, 2023
Generic Candidate Information can be found on the State Election Commission's Candidate Information Page.
Information on Filing State Ethics Commission paperwork
Information on Political Signs
City of Greenwood Sign Ordinance
Elected Offices in Greenwood County
In addition to Federal and State elections, the County conducts/oversees elections for the following:
State Senate - 1 seat - 4 year term - Nov. even years
State House of Representatives - 2 seats-2 year terms - Nov .- even years
Solicitor - 4 year term-Nov. even years
Probate Judge - 4 year term-Nov. even years
Sheriff - 4 year terms-Nov. even years
Clerk of Court - 4 year term-Nov. even years
Coroner - 4 year term-Nov. even years
Greenwood County Council -7 districts -4 year staggered terms-Nov. even years.
Greenwood City Council - 6 wards, Mayor -4 year staggered terms-Nov. even years
Greenwood CPW – 3 seats- municipal wide-6 year staggered terms-Nov. even years
Town of Hodges - 4 council seats, Mayor-At-Large-2 year terms – Nov. even years
Town of Ninety Six - 6 wards, Mayor-4 year staggered terms-Nov. odd years
Town of Ninety Six CPW – 3 seats- municipal wide-6 year staggered terms-Nov. odd years.
Town of Troy - 4 council seats, Mayor-At-Large-4 year staggered terms-Nov. even years.
Town of Ware Shoals - 6 council seats, Mayor- At-Large-4 year staggered terms-Nov. even years
School District 50, Greenwood - 9 districts-4 year staggered terms-Nov. even years
School District 51, Ware Shoals - 5 trustees At-Large-3 year staggered terms-May-annual
School District 52, Ninety Six - 5 trustees At-Large-3 year staggered terms-May-annual
Soil & Water Commissioner - 3 seats-petition-4 year staggered terms-Nov.-even years
Election Day Information
There are 50 Voting Precincts within the County.
Your precinct and the location are listed on your voter registration card. If you lose your card, call us and we can tell you what precinct you are assigned to, or, visit the Voter Information Request website
If you need a map to the location of your precinct, click here for Precinct Maps.
The polls are open from 7AM to 7PM on Election Day.
Voters must present one of the following forms of identification in order to vote:
SC Driver's License
SC ID Card issued by DMV
Military ID issued by the Federal Government
SC Voter Registration Card with Photo
Concealed Weapons Permit
Registration Information
Check the status of your voter registration
College Voting Prep Guide can be accessed by clicking here.
Military/ Overseas Absentee Application can be accessed by clicking here.
You are qualified to vote in Greenwood County if you meet the following requirements:
You are a US citizen.
You are eighteen (18) years old.
You are a legal resident of Greenwood County.
You have not been declared mentally incompetent by a court of law.
You are not currently serving a sentence for a felony conviction.
You have not been convicted of a felony or offense against the election laws, or if previously convicted, have served the entire sentence, including probation or parole, or have received a pardon for the conviction.
The Greenwood Voter Registration Office, Suite 13, Park Plaza, 600 Monument Street.
Department of Motor Vehicles
Department of Social Services
Department of Public Health
A mail form can be obtained at the following link : Click here.
You may also register to vote online.
You may also call the Voter Registration Office at 864-942-8585 and we will mail you the proper form.
You must be registered at least thirty (30) days prior to any election in order to vote in that election. Mail applications must be postmarked at least thirty (30) days prior to an election to qualify to vote in that election.
Once a person has registered to vote, they do not have to re-register. However, if you fail to vote in two (2) general election cycles, the state may make your registration inactive.
Should you lose, misplace, or accidentally destroy your voter registration card, a duplicate card is available upon request at no charge.
Change of Address
If a voter moves to this county from another county in South Carolina, he or she must re-register.
If a voter moves from one precinct to another precinct within Greenwood County, the voter must change his or her address with the Voter Registration Office. This may be accomplished by using any one of the following options:
Fill in the back of your voter registration card with the new information and mail it to us at the address listed on this website.
Fill out the information on the change of address form and mail it to us . Click here.
Call our office at 864-942-8585 and we will mail you a change of address form.
Change your address online. Click here
You may also fill out the necessary forms at the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Social Services, or the Department of Public Health.